Friday, July 25, 2008

The Road Not Taken

This poem was an allegory; the split in the road is symbolic of the choices we all must make in life. Therefore, the speaker is a person who was at a crossroad in his or her life. The speaker knows that there is no turning back once the path to take is determined. This is symbolic of the impact of the choices we make; we can't go back and change what we did or didn't do. Choosing to take the path less traveled has made all of the difference in the speaker's life. The theme is don't be afraid to take chances and be different from others. A great example of imagery from the poem is "And both...lay in leaves no step had trodden black." The poem was told in 1st person point of view and has a dactylic trimeter rhythm. The rhyme scheme for each of the four stanzas is ABAAB.

1 comment:

debwrite said...

Excellent! Isn't this a great poem to study right before you head off to college (and face all those decisions???!)